Does your pet suffer from anxiety when the fireworks start or even during thunderstorms?

We know it can be stressful to see your pet suffer due to fireworks and loud noises, here are some tips and advice to help make it easier for you and your pet

  • Keep your cats in the house if you think there will be fireworks going off.
  • Walk your dog during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off.
  • Keep windows and doors closed to keep some of the noise out and so your pets don’t get startled and run off if they do get frightened.
  • Make sure blinds and curtains are closed, to help muffle any sounds of fireworks.
  • Use background noise such as music and the TV to block out the noise of fireworks.
  • Create a den in an area they feel safe, or create hiding spaces where they feel comfortable, this could be their dog crate or a room they like to sleep in, make sure they are settled in their safe space before the fireworks begin each night
  • Provide toys, treats and other distractions so they can feel safe and secure in their safe haven.
  • Don’t react to the noise of the fireworks, this will reassure your pet and also won’t draw attention to the noise for your pet
  • Stay with your dog, your dog could panic if left alone. Having you or someone they know and trust for company will help them relax.
  • If they seek reassurance, calmly give them attention and comfort. Research shows that ignoring them won’t help
  • You could also talk to your vet about pheromone diffusers. These disperse calming chemicals into the room and may be a good option for your dog. In some cases, your vet may even prescribe medication.
  • Check all your pets are microchipped and your details are correct and up to date in case they get startled and escape

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